
Dancers Adrain Clark, Douglas Gillespie and Leslie Kraus. Photo by Keira Heu-Jwyn Chang.

Lean-to, 2009

Lean-to is a 24-minute trio for two men and a woman based on both the physical and metaphoric concept of leaning. A dramatic 22-ft high set structure designed by artist Kurt Perschke arcs out over the dancers as they both seek and evade support beneath its shadow. This linear yet highly emotive dance evokes a world of subtle signals that slowly build, interlock and explode. Lighting designer Brian Jones creates a stark world of swift change and costume designer Sarah Cubbage clothes the dancers like elegant warriors. Composer Michel Galante's extraordinary score was played live by the Argento Chamber Ensemble during the work's premiere in St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery in 2009.

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Choreography: Kate Weare
Original Score: Michel Galante, played live by Argento Chamber Ensemble
Costume Design: Sarah Cubbage
Lighting Design: Brian Jones
Stage Design: Kurt Perschke:
Originating Dancers: Adrian Clark, Douglas Gillespie, Leslie Kraus


Lean-to is made possible, in part, with funds from the 2008-2009 Danspace Project Commissioning Initiative with support from the New York State Council on the Arts and the Danspace Creation Fund. Additional support has been provided by generous grants from The O'Donnell-Green Music and Dance Foundation and The Greenwall Foundation.

Dancers Adrain Clark, Douglas Gillespie and Leslie Kraus. Photo by Keira Heu-Jwyn Chang.